Cochrane Castle Golf Club accommodate many society outings throughout each year with a favourable outcome. The outings vary in size and preference, some only wishing to play the course whereas others wishing a full event. A typical full event includes a programme for the
day including the tea/coffee & hot rolls on arrival, competition format, nearest the pin & longest drive markers, and a two-course high tea on completion of the round; all for a fixed price. The Club can accommodate parties of any size and all that we ask on booking is a small deposit of £10.00 per head.
Society outings have utilised Cochrane Castle Golf Club for many years and most come back again as they enjoy the experience. Please contact us by email ( or phone (01505 320146) to arrange your visit including numbers, food requirements and prices. Alternatively, you can complete our online Booking Form by clicking here or scan the QR code below..

Some comments from happy society golfers:
" Thanks for all the hospitality, we all had a great day out and the course was in great condition. "Craig Gardiner - October, 2021.
" Everything went well, thoroughly enjoyed by all, course in great nick plus weather was a bonus, will definitely return." John McSheffrey - June, 2022.
For additional comments visit our Testimonial page by tapping here.